This page shows a list of all events that Brutal Company Minus Extra Reborn has to offer, but in more technical detail. These listings are split up between vanilla events and modded events.
Vanilla Events are events that do not require any external mods to run -- In other words, the contents of the event either come from BCMER or/and Lethal Company itself. Modded Events, on the other hand, require other mods to be present in order for the event to run properly, or if at all.
For obvious reasons, user generated Custom Events will not be displayed on this page. If you are curious about how custom events are created you can check out here. For some already created examples of custom events, see here.
Vanilla Events
Event Name | Event Description | Event Type |
AllWeather | Spawns all weather conditions | VeryBad |
AntiBounty | Will subtract credits from any kills. Not yet implemented. | Bad |
AntiCoilhead | Spawns an anti-coilhead | VeryBad |
Arachnophobia | Spawns a lot of bunker spiders inside and outside, also trees. | VeryBad |
BaboonHorde | Spawns a lot of Baboon Hawks outside. | VeryBad |
BadProduce | Higher scrap amount at the cost of decreased value | VeryBad |
Bees | Spawns bees outside | Bad |
BigBonus | You will recieve a random big amount of credits from the company. | VeryGood |
BigDelivery | A random set of store items will come down via the drop ship | VeryGood |
Birds | Spawns Manticoils | Neutral |
BlackFriday | Everything is on sale | VeryGood |
Bonus | You will recieve a random amount of credits from the company. | Good |
Bounty | Recieve a small amount of money for kills | VeryGood |
Bracken | Spawns a random amount of brackens. | VeryBad |
BugHorde | Hoarding Bugs and Kamikazie Bugs everywhere. In great numbers. | VeryBad |
Butlers | Spawns a lot of butlers | Bad |
Clock | Several scrap will be Clock item | Neutral |
Coilhead | Spawns several coilheads | VeryBad |
ControlPad | Several scrap will be Control Pads item | Neutral |
Dentures | Several scrap will be Dentures item | Good |
Dogs | Spawns Eyeless Dogs | VeryBad |
DoorCircuitFailure | Cant Control Doors | VeryBad |
DoorOverdriveEv | Ship Door Has Infinite power | Good |
Dustpans | Several scrap will be Dustpans item | Bad |
Dweller | Maneater enemy spawns | VeryBad |
EarlyShip | Ship arrives a little earlier than standard time | Good |
EasterEggs | A lot of scrap will be easter eggs | Neutral |
FacilityGhost | Things like doors, lights, turrets, and more will go crazy. | Bad |
FlashLightsFailure | Dead flashlights | Bad |
FlowerSnake | Spawns Flower Snakes | Bad |
FootballScrap | Spawns a lot of the soccer ball | Neutral |
ForestGiant | Spawns Forest Giants | VeryBad |
FragileEnemies | Enemies are easier to kill | Good |
FullAccess | Doors that would have been locked are not locked. | Good |
GarbageLid | Spawns a whole bunch of garbage lids. | Neutral |
GiantsOutside | Prepare for several Forest Giants | VeryBad |
Gloomy | Foggy weather. | Neutral |
GoldenBars | Several golden bars in the facility | VeryGood |
GoldenFacility | Expect a lot of valuable scrap inside the facility | Good |
GrabbableLandmines | Landmines can be grabbed. | Bad |
FullAccess | Turrets can be grabbed. | Bad |
HeavyRain | Rainy Weather. | Neutral |
Hell | Spawns enemies, bad weather, arrival at a very late time... Just bad all over. Scrap also worth more. | VeryBad |
HigherScrapValue | Scrap is worth more. | Good |
HoardingBugs | Spawns HOarding Bugs. | Bad |
HolidaySeason | Nutcrackers, Hoarding Bugs, Easter Eggs, and Presents. | Bad |
Honk | A lot of clown horns and airhorns. | Good |
InsideBees | Spawns a lot of bees inside. | VeryBad |
ItemChargerFailure | Can't charge items | Bad |
Jester | Spawns Jesters. | VeryBad |
JetpackFailure | Jetpacks won't work. | Bad |
KamikazieBugs | Exploding Hoarding Bugs. | Bad |
Landmines | Spawns landsmines. | Bad |
LateShip | The ship arrives late. | Bad |
LeaflessBrownTrees | Spawns Leafless Brown Trees | Neutral |
LeaflessTrees | Spawns Leafless Trees | Neutral |
LeverFailure | Lever won't work. You must wait for someone to vote, or the end of the day. If the Super Eclipsed mod is preesent, this event automatically disables itself. | Bad |
LittleGirl | Spawns Ghost Girls | VeryBad |
Lizard | Spawns Spore Lizards | Bad |
Locusts | Spawns Locusts | Neutral |
ManualCameraFailure | Can't monitor cameras on ship | Bad |
MaskItems | Spawns a lot of masks | Neutral |
Masked | Spawns Masks | Bad |
Meteors | Spawns Meteor Shower. | Bad |
MoreExits | More Exits in the Facility | Good |
NoBaboons | No Baboon Hawks | Remove |
NoBirds | No manticoils or flower snakes | Remove |
NoBracken | No Brackens | Remove |
NoButlers | No Butlers | Remove |
NoCoilhead | No Coilheads | Remove |
NoDogs | No Eyeless Dogs | Remove |
NoGhosts | No Ghost Girls | Remove |
NoGiants | No Forest Giants | Remove |
NoHoardingBugs | No Hoarding Bugs | Remove |
NoJester | No Jesters | Remove |
NoLandmines | No Landmines | Remove |
NoLizards | No Spore Lizards | Remove |
NoMasks | No Masks | Remove |
NoNutcracker | No Nutcracker | Remove |
NoOldBird | No Old Birds | Remove |
NoSlimes | No Slimes | Remove |
NoSnareFleas | No Snare Fleas | Remove |
NoSpiders | No Bunker Spiders | Remove |
NoSpikeTraps | No Spike Traps | Remove |
NoThumpers | No Thumpers | Remove |
NoTurrets | No Turrets | Remove |
NoWorm | No Worms | Remove |
Nothing | Literally Nothing | Neutral |
NutSlayer | Spawns a NutSlayer | VeryBad |
NutSlayersMore | Spawns several NutSlayers | VeryBad |
Nutcracker | Spawns Nutcrackers | VeryBad |
OldBirds | Spawns OldBirds | VeryBad |
OutsideLandmines | Spawns landmines outside | Bad |
OutsideTurrets | Spawns turrets outside | Bad |
Pickles | Spawns a lot of pickles | Good |
PlasticCup | Spawns a lot of plastic cups | Neutral |
PlentyOutsideScrap | You will see scrap outside, a lot of it | VeryGood |
PowerFail | Ship has no power | Bad |
Raining | Rainy weather | Neutral |
RealityShift | Do not trust all scrap... it might become something else. | Bad |
SafeBridges | Experience Safe Bridges. | Good |
SafeOutside | Outside will be safe. Unless you have a mod for enemy escapes (StarlancerAIEscape, LethalEscape). | VeryGood |
ScarceOutsideScrap | You will find some scrap outside | Good |
ScrapGalore | Spawns a lot more scrap | VeryGood |
ShipCoreFailure | Nothing on the Ship Works. If Super Eclipsed mod is present, the event disables itself. | VeryBad |
ShipLightsFailure | No lights on the ship. | VeryBad |
ShipmentFees | Incur a fee for buying items | Bad |
Slimes | Spawns Hygrodere Slimes | Bad |
SmallDelivery | A small delivery awaits you upon landing | Good |
SmallerMap | Interior is smaller | Good |
SnareFleas | Spawns Snare Fleas | Bad |
Spiders | Spawns Spiders | Bad |
SpikeTraps | Spawns Spike Traps | Bad |
StrongEnemies | Enemies are stronger than usual | Bad |
SussyPaintings | Spawns Paintings | Neutral |
TargetingFailure | Inverse Teleporter Unable to teleport properly. | Bad |
TeleportIn | Get inverse teleported at the beginning of the day. | VeryBad |
TeleporterFailure | Teleporters do not work in general | Bad |
TerminalFailure | Terminal does not work | Bad |
Thumpers | Spawns Thumpers | Bad |
ToiletPaper | Spawns Toilet Paper Scrap | Neutral |
TransmuteScrapBig | Two Handed Items | VeryBad |
TransmuteScrapSmall | One Handed Items | Good |
Trees | Spawns Trees outside | Neutral |
Turrets | Spawns Turrets Outside | Bad |
TurretsEverywhere | Spawns Turrets Inside and Outside | Bad |
VeryEarlyShip | Arrive as early as possible. | VeryGood |
VeryLateShip | Arrive Very, very late into the day | VeryBad |
WalkieFailure | Walkies are not usable at all | Bad |
Warzone | Falling Explosions and More | VeryBad |
WelcomeToTheFactory | All metallic items | Bad |
Worms | Spawns Worms | VeryBad |
ZedDog | Spawns ZedDog scrap | Good |
Modded Events
Event Name | Event Description | Event Type | Mod(s) Required |
AllSlayers | MantiSlayers and ToilSlayers | VeryBad | ToilHead |
BadDice | You will only find bad dice to roll. | VeryBad | Emergency Dice Updated |
Baldi | Baldi will chase you | VeryBad | BaldiEnemy |
Bellcrab | Bellcrabs will spawn throughout the facility | Bad | Surfaced |
Bertha | Spawns Big Berthas | VeryBad | Surfaced |
BlahajPlush | Spawns Blahaj Plush | Good | Blahaj Plush |
CityOfGold | Spawns gold versions of Scrap | VeryGood | LCGoldScrapMod |
Cleaners | Spawns Cleaner Drones | Bad | Moonswept |
Critters | Spawns Playtime Critters | VeryBad | SmilingCritters |
Dice | Test your luck with Dice | Good | Emergency Dice Updated |
FoxEv | Kidnapper Fox spawns | VeryBad | YesFox |
Foxy | Nightmare Foxy spawns | Bad | NightmareFoxy |
GiantShowdown | All the other kinds of Forest Giant spawns | VeryBad | The Giant Specimens |
Herobrine | Herobrine spawns | VeryBad | Herobrine |
HotBarHassle | Your inventory shrinks... | Bad | HotBarPlus |
HotBarMania | Your inventory grows... | Good | HotBarPlus |
ImmortalSnail | Immortal Snails spawns | Bad | Immortal Snail |
ItsPlaytime | Some Playtime Creatures spawns | VeryBad | Lethal Playtime, Lethal Critters |
Lockers | Lockers spawns | Bad | Lockers |
ManStalker | ManStalker spawns | Bad | ManStalker |
MantiToilSlayer | MantiToilSlayers spawns | VeryBad | ToilHead |
Meltdown | A facility meltdown will occur at a random time | VeryBad | Facility Meltdown |
Mimics | Do not trust fire exits. | Bad | Mimics |
MoaiEnemy | Moai Enemies spawns | VeryBad | Moai Enemy |
MobileTurrets | Mobile Turrets spawns | Bad | Moonswept |
MobileTurrets | Mobile Turrets spawns | Bad | Moonswept |
Needy Cats | A whole bunch of Cats | Neutral | NeedyCats |
Nemo | Nemo spawns | Good | Surfaced |
NoFiend | No Fiends | Remove | The Fiend |
NoImmortalSnails | No Immortal Snails | Remove | ImmortalSnail |
NoLockers | No NoLockers | Remove | Lockers |
NoMantiToilSlayer | No MantiToilSlayers | Remove | ToilHead |
NoMantitoil | No Mantitoils | Remove | ToilHead |
NoMimics | No Mimics | Remove | Mimics |
NoPeepers | No Peepers | Remove | Peepers |
NoShyGuy | No ShyGuy | Remove | Scopophobia |
NoSlayers | No Slayers | Remove | Toilhead |
NoToilSlayer | No NoToilSlayers | Remove | Toilhead |
Peepers | Spawns Peepers | Bad | Peepers |
PlaytimeBig | Spawns Critters and Playtime Enemies | VeryBad | LethalPlaytime |
RollingGiants | Rolling Giants Spawns | Bad | RollingGiant |
Roomba | Roombas Spawns | Bad | LethalThings |
Seamine | Lots of seamines | Bad | Surfaced |
Shiba | Shibas Spawns | Bad | ShibaBatInu |
ShockwaveDrones | Shockwave Drones Spawns | Bad | ShockwaveDroneEnemy |
Shrimp | Shrimp Spawns | Bad | LC Office |
ShyGuy | Shy Guys Spawns | VeryBad | Scopophobia |
SirenHead | Siren Heads Spawns | VeryBad | SirenHead |
SkullEnemy | Skull Enemies Spawns | VeryBad | SkullEnemy |
SlenderMan | Slender Man Spawns | VeryBad | facelessStaleker |
SpiderPlush | monster Plushies Scrap spawns | Good | Monster Plushies |
TakeyGokuBracken | Takey Goku Spawns | Bad | TakeyGoku, BCME External Tool |
TakeyGokuPlush | Takey Goku Plush Scrap | Good | TakeyPlush, BCME External Tool |
TakeyGokuPlushBig | Big Takey Goku Scrap | Neutral | TakeyPlush, BCME External Tool |
TakeyPlush | Another Takey Plush Scrap | Good | TakeyPlush, BCME External Tool |
TakeyPlushDinkDonk | Takey Plush Dink Donk Scrap | Good | TakeyPlush, BCME External Tool |
TeleporterTraps | Teleporter Traps Spawns | Bad | LethalThings |
TheFiend | The Fiend Spawns | VeryBad | The Fiend |
ToilPlayerEv | Toilplayer...? | Good | Toilhead |
ToilSlayer | ToilSlayers Spawns | VeryBad | ToilHead |
Toilhead | ToilHeads Spawns | VeryBad | ToilHead |
ToilSlayer | ToilSlayers Spawns | VeryBad | ToilHead |
ToilSlayer | ToilSlayers Spawns | VeryBad | ToilHead |
Walkers | Walkers Spawns | VeryBad | Diversity |
YeetBomb | Yeet Bombs Spawns | Bad | TestAccountVariety |